I hate to sound like a parenting book, but I truly believe it is a major key to successful parenting is a healthy marriage with lots of love and respect between mom and dad. I am so lucky that Matt believes the same thing. He is very busy with work and traveling a lot, but he always takes time out to spend time with me, no matter what. We rarely get to go on "date nights" but we do spend time sitting on the porch talking and walking around the yard after Ollie has gone to sleep. Sometimes it is just walking to the mailbox together. Our special time sometimes even has to come at the expense of spending time with our families. But our relationship is far more important than anyone else on the earth. Without taking care of each other, we can not take care of everything else and everyone else in our lives. We have made each other a priority. We CHOSE to love each other. It is a decision we made before we got married. And if we ever feel like we are "falling out of love" then we would go to whatever means necessary to make it right. No matter what we would have to do, money to spend, things to change, people to cut-off, distance to travel, things to give up, nothing, nothing, nothing is going to ever come in between us. No matter how painful or difficult it may be, we will never give up on love.
On our wedding day, I remember thinking that I could never love Matt more than I did that day, but I was wrong! I truly love him more and more every day. We have had some hard times, especially our first year of marriage, but I wouldn't trade that time for anything. We were able to really lean on each other, find joy in each other, keep each other laughing (which is another thing I think is VERY important too), and in the end, we came out of the other side of the tunnel even closer and more in love than before.
And I truly believe that Ollie notices all of this. She loves to see us hug each other. And loves nothing more than for all of us to lay on the floor and just be together. She laughs at us when we are being silly, and laughs with us too, even though she has no clue what we are saying. (I'm sure we are going to be "embarrassing parents" when she gets older) And she really loves when we hold her and all three of us are really close together. She says "my family." It is so sweet!
(That being said, I don't know how single parents do it. Not just the day-to-day logistics of life, but also the lack of companionship with a spouse. I'm not saying that single parents are not the best parents because they are not married. I really think single parents are extremely strong to be able to compensate for the love of both parents, while still taking care of their own needs. It must be taxing in every sense of the word! I have so much respect for them and in no way think they are less than married parents. I just have no clue how they do it!)
Now I have to admit, 2 years after receiving my locket, I STILL don't have a picture of Matt in it! I know, I'm terrible! But have you ever tried to find a photo that tiny?! I do have a picture of Matt swimming out in the ocean, where he is just a little speck in the distance. I think that might be the only one so far that will do, even though all you can see is his head! My goal is to have a photo of him in there before Mother's Day 2012!
My two loves at the place we love the most: the beach!
I think this one might work! |
worth waiting for.