Ollie woke me up this morning around 4:30 from a dead sleep yelling "Mommy, please come!" I ran into her room to find that (for the millionth time) she had wet through her diaper, PJ's, and onto her bed. I gave her a little sponge bath, changed her clothes, then her sheets, tucked her in, and got her some milk to help her go back to sleep. Before I left the room she called out "Mommy, thank you so much." I can't even explain how much that meant to me. It made me want to burst into tears. I struggle to sleep all night as it is, the last thing I want to do is wake up to clean up pee. But as a mom, you don't think. You just do it. That's just what you do. To hear a two and a half year old be sincerely thankful for you just doing your "duty" is truly heartwarming. It makes those other 999,999 nights that I have gotten up during the night so much more worth it. :)