Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thank You

I know so many of my mom friends know that child rearing is truly a labor of love in which we will more than likely not receive the "thank yous" that we would love to hear until our children are grown. But to hear "thank you" is not why we decided to have children. I had such a special little moment with Ollie this morning that I just had to share. I hope it will encourage my friends with little babies who can't really talk yet to keep the course...

Ollie woke me up this morning around 4:30 from a dead sleep yelling "Mommy, please come!" I ran into her room to find that (for the millionth time) she had wet through her diaper, PJ's, and onto her bed. I gave her a little sponge bath, changed her clothes, then her sheets, tucked her in, and got her some milk to help her go back to sleep. Before I left the room she called out "Mommy, thank you so much." I can't even explain how much that meant to me. It made me want to burst into tears. I struggle to sleep all night as it is, the last thing I want to do is wake up to clean up pee. But as a mom, you don't think. You just do it. That's just what you do. To hear a two and a half year old be sincerely thankful for you just doing your "duty" is truly heartwarming. It makes those other 999,999 nights that I have gotten up during the night so much more worth it. :)


  1. Great post! So true! We do just do it with thank you's or not! But I'm sure it's a sweet thing to hear from your kid! I can't wait:)

  2. it is so sweet to hear that from your baby.


About Claire

Amateur mommy and imperfect homemaker.